Monday, November 29, 2010

kicking tools

just in: social media-themed adidas. in case there weren't enough tools on the internet - lets make them into literal walking idiots, why don't we.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

alvin ailey

I've always wanted to see an Alvin Ailey dance performance. The photographs themselves are stunning - I can't imagine the reaction that the movement itself produces. The shapes in these photographs are the most interesting - and empowering.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

william eggleston

in light of the fact that i never made it to LACMA while still in Los Angeles, i'd like to pay tribute to eggleston, who showed the beauty of ordinariness and everyday objects. it really wasn't until i saw eggleston's photographs that i began seeing the power of color in transforming something benign to spectacular.